health benefits wonder foods liquid oxygen oxyrich

Health Benefits of Liquid Oxygen


Stress, whether emotional, physical, or mental, can become harmful if not managed, depleting the body of vital oxygen.

When we experience emotional stress, the body releases adrenaline, cortisol and other related hormones as a natural response to cope.

On top of that, we are continually exposed to an ever-growing list of toxic contaminants in our environment—many of which weren't even around a decade ago.

Infections, bacteria, viruses, poor diets, trans fats, and highly processed foods also contribute to robbing the body of the oxygen it needs for normal metabolic functions.

This can lead to poor skin health, gut health or sleep

Research suggests that a lack of oxygen in the blood could be a trigger for immune system breakdown, leading to the idea that oxygen deficiency may be a key factor in many diseases.

Oxygen is an essential elements for human survival.

Almost every bodily function depends on it, including metabolism, circulation, respiration, digestion, and waste elimination.

While we can survive without water for days and without food for weeks, we can only last a few minutes without oxygen.

Oxidation is how the body generates energy and disposes of waste and harmful microbes.

Given that two-thirds of the human body is water, and water itself is largely made of oxygen, our bodies are more than 50% oxygen by weight.

Oxygen plays a vital role in purifying the blood by preventing cellular waste build-up.

Healthy cells need a steady supply of natural sugars, amino acids, minerals, hormones, enzymes, and, most importantly, oxygen.

Having enough oxygen allows the body to rebuild and ensures the proper functioning of the immune system.

It’s clear that getting enough oxygen is essential for maintaining optimal health.

The more oxygen we have, the more energy we produce, and the better we can eliminate waste, leading to more vitality, mental clarity, and a balanced pH level in the body.

How can we increase our oxygen levels?

At Wonder Foods, we’ve developed a natural solution to give your body a boost.

Introducing Liquid Oxygen—a 100% natural, bioavailable, stabilised di-atomic oxygen supplement, combined with demineralised water and Atlantic sea salt.

wonder foods oxyrich supplement

This unique supplement is packed with bioavailable oxygen that’s quickly absorbed by the body and works at a cellular level almost immediately.

According to David Cuthbertson, he started using the product in 1995 and noticed 'disease symptoms either disappeared or were dramatically improved...'.

Wonder Foods’ Liquid Oxygen has a near-neutral pH and is free of artificial colors, flavours, sweeteners, and preservatives.

With all the incredible benefits oxygen provides, adding Wonder Foods’ Liquid Oxygen to your daily routine is a no-brainer.

For easy use, just add 3-5ml to a 500ml bottle of water and sip it throughout the day.


The information provided in this post is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professionals with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.  The results discussed may not be typical, and individual outcomes may vary.

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