Beetroot - The Natural Pre-Workout

Beetroot - The Natural Pre-Workout

Bet if you were asked to think of pre-workout supplements, you'd most likely picture highly caffeinated powders and drinks that leave you jittery for hours and disrupt your sleep.

Those supplements often contain artificial stimulants that may temporarily boost performance but aren't great for long-term health.

Your body quickly becomes accommodates to these stimulants, meaning you need more and more to feel the same effects.

Fortunately, there are natural alternatives that can help enhance your performance before exercise.

One of the most powerful pre-workout aids comes from a humble source: beetroot.

Now eating beetroot daily might not appeal to you, so you're in luck.

Beetroot powder (aka powdered beet) is a convenient alternative.

What is Beetroot Powder/Powdered Beet?

Made from dried and ground beetroot, this powder has gained popularity recently, thanks to research showcasing its impressive benefits, especially when taken before exercise (which is why we’ve included a potent dose in our pre-workout formula).

Beetroot powder has also gained a significant reputation in helping those with heart disease and erectile dysfunction

The Power of Nitrates

Beetroot powder contains nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide plays a crucial role in improving blood flow, allowing oxygen and nutrients to be delivered more efficiently to your muscles.

It works by dilating (i.e 'opening') arteries and veins, reducing blood pressure and enhancing overall circulation.

Beetroot is one of the most nitrate-rich foods available, and in powder form, it's easy to mix into water or a smoothie.

To maximise its effects, research suggests consuming beetroot powder around two hours before exercising.

Beetroot Powder & Enhanced Endurance

Beetroot powder has become a go-to for endurance athletes, and the reason is clear.

For those focused on endurance sports, managing oxygen consumption is critical.

Nitrates in beetroot powder help your body become more efficient by reducing VO2 (oxygen consumption), lowering the oxygen cost of exercise.

This means you can go longer, feel less fatigued, and recover more effectively.

Many High Performance Coaches give their athletes beetroot powder to improve their exercise endurance and time to fatigue.

Beetroot Powder & Increased Power

If your workout is more about lifting heavy weights or performing explosive movements, beetroot powder is still your friend.

Research has shown that nitrates can increase muscle power and reduce fatigue, allowing strength athletes to push harder and perform better.

In this study, more than 250 strength athletes were observed to see how nitrate supplementation affected their performance.

Those who consumed nitrates before exercising saw a 5% increase in muscle power.

This significant boost can make a huge difference in helping you reach your goals more quickly.

Beetroot Powder and 'The Pump'

In addition to increased power, nitrates also enhance the muscle pump during strength training, as the widened veins and arteries allow for better oxygen flow.

This helps with performance and recovery, but it also just feels good!

Powdered Beet & Improved Recovery

The benefits of beetroot powder aren’t limited to boosting performance during your workout.

Its positive effects extend to recovery as well.

Nitrates in beetroot powder have been shown to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process, helping you recover faster and get back to training sooner.

Research has shown that beetroot juice can reduce muscle soreness post-exercise, likely due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Beetroot Powder & Lowered Blood Pressure

Did you know beetroot has been used since the Middle Ages to treat blood and digestive disorders?

Today’s research supports its benefits, particularly for lowering blood pressure.

One dose of beetroot powder has been shown to significantly reduce blood pressure in individuals with hypertension.

Lowering blood pressure is crucial because high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease. 

In studies, participants who consumed nitrate-rich beetroot juice saw a 20% improvement in blood vessel dilation and a 10% reduction in artery stiffness.

Even if you don’t have high blood pressure, taking nitrates regularly—especially before exercise—can help maintain healthy blood pressure and support heart health.

BONUS: Powdered Beet and Travel

There is another 'athletic' benefit to supplementing with powdered beet (and it is particularly important for Australian athletes). 

One of the negative effects of travelling is 'sitting-induced leg endothelial dysfunction'.

This is a fancy way of saying: negative effects that sitting for long periods has on the blood vessels in your legs.

This study suggests supplementing with beetroot prior to travel offset that negative effect for sitting periods of three hours. 

Powdered vs. Whole Beetroot

While whole beetroot is an excellent source of nitrates, consuming it daily isn’t practical for everyone.

Beetroot powder is a convenient alternative. Not only does it have a longer shelf life and is easier to store, but it's also more affordable, contains less sugar than beetroot juice and can be thrown into your gym bag. 

Do You Need Beetroot Powder Daily?

Incorporating a daily source of nitrates into your diet can greatly benefit heart health and reduce the risk of various diseases.

In Summary

Beetroot powder is a powerful supplement for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, offering a natural, effective way to boost performance.

Thanks to its high concentration of nitrates, beetroot powder can enhance power, endurance, and recovery (and even mitigate the negative effects of long-distance travel).

Whether you’re looking to improve your athletic performance or support your overall health, beetroot powder is a simple and effective tool to incorporate into your lifestyle.

beetroot powder powdered beet

The information provided in this blog post is intended for general knowledge and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

If you are experiencing symptoms any medical condition, please consult a healthcare professional.

While beetroot and its compounds may offer potential benefits, individual results may vary, and it is important to discuss any new supplements or dietary changes with your doctor, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

The content in this post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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